10 Tips to Relax and Feel More Energised

1. Take time out from your "norm." Experiencing new things can help you feel rejuvenated again.

2. Travel when you can. Near or far. Get outdoors. Walk outside. See new things.

3. Relax more. Stop filling your diary and making plans.

4. Do nothing sometimes. Get comfortable with your own company. Try not doing very much and sit still for a change.

5. Go easy on yourself. If things go wrong or you're not progressing, stop being so harsh on yourself. You're human.

6. Stretch daily. Or meditate. Take the time to just unwind and allow your body time to slow down. It’ll help more than you imagine.

7. Take rest days. Weight training or high impact training every day will actually hinder you. Not help you.

8. Enjoy time off away from work. Don't be afraid to ask for a few days or weeks off. Take the time off. Disconnect from emails and work notifications.

9. Eat well. Include all food groups. It'll help to keep your nervous system at bay. Hydrate regularly too. Diet is very important for energy levels. Don’t underestimate it. Eat well to feel well.

10. Go for walks. Wander. Explore. It'll help to relax you and keep you healthy. It'll also reduce your stress levels and support weight loss, if that’s your goal.


You won’t always be in the mood…


Winners Don’t Quit. Quitters Don’t Win.