Preparation is key

Preparation is key when it comes to achieving your health and fitness goals. Put in the time, effort and energy each week to set yourself up for a healthy, productive and successful week ahead.

Many of my clients live busy lives and often mention they are ‘too busy’ to prepare food, or ‘don’t have time to plan my meals or snacks’. Unfortunately there will always be something. There is no perfect schedule. There will always be a reason as to why you cannot do something. The point is to try and plan ahead so that once the week begins, your fitness schedule is in place and you have prepared a few meals and snacks to make better choices, when limited for time. I coach my clients to embrace starting new fitness plans and training programs during busy hectic times, because that is when the discipline is created to succeed. That way, when your schedule is less hectic, you’re more likely to stick to the plan.

Preparation is an important factor to keep in mind if you’re currently on a fitness training program. I once had a mentor tell me, ‘if you fail to prepare, you must be prepared to fail.’ I never forgot it. It is annoyingly true!

Keeping that in mind, here are 3 ways you can prepare for the week ahead if you are currently on a fitness training program:

1) Lock in your workouts - Book sessions in advance with your personal trainer, sign up to your favourite fitness classes, lock down your stretch days and block off your schedule for your workouts or walks. If you fail to take the time, then there will always be a reason you cannot do it. Plan ahead. Prioritise your health. Lock in your training so you are less likely to let another week go by without starting. Don't wake up on a Monday and "see how you feel’ or hope for the best. Lack of commitment + accountability will result in no to low results. Pre-book. Be committed & be accountable.

2) Meal prep - Food is a huge factor behind why most people do not stay on track. They fail to prepare for the week and grab low nutritious foods on the go or skip meals because they are ‘too busy.’ If you know you have a hectic week coming up, then preparation around meals and snacks is even more important. Stock up on healthy foods so when you get home in the evening, you are less likely to order or eat food that will not serve your goals. You do not have to meal prep for an entire week. Try starting with 3 days. Plan what you will eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner on these days. Unfortunately nutrition is the number one reason that people do not achieve their desired goals. If you want results, if you want to look good and feel good, then prioritise your food. If you know you have a busy day of meetings ahead, or a long day at university, then bring food with you. Pack your snacks the night before. Be prepared!

3) Consistency is magic - Set yourself daily step goals, note down your workout days, prepare meals ahead, stretch 3 times a week for at least 15 minutes, eat more protein each meal. All of these things, when done consistently make a big difference. Do not go all in on a Monday with your training and healthy eating, then sack it off for the rest of the week. It takes more than one training session and one healthy meal each week to achieve results. So, plan ahead. Set small goals. Plan ahead so that you can create healthy habits needed to achieve sustainable results.

Remember, preparation is key if you want to progress.

If you need my help to achieve your desired health and fitness goals, feel free to get in touch.


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