Fit and Festive

Are you looking to lose weight and still enjoy your festive favourites?

Well, you can!

There’s no need to wait until the new year to get started. You’re probably thinking there’s no point in starting a fitness journey, because you’re probably going to over-do it over the festive period anyway.

If, like many, you swear to yourself that ‘next year will be different’ or believe in the ‘new year new me’ mindset, you’re probably going to be disappointed. 2022 isn’t going to be a magical fat burning year. At the stroke of midnight, you won’t magically get motivated and start losing weight.

Set yourself up for success, by starting now. Small habits, done daily, will help to shape a healthier lifestyle. It’s very possible to be fit and festive and still achieve your goals.

Here’s 7 fitness tips you can follow daily, to get you started:

  1. Focus on energy balance. This may sound complicated. It’s not. It’s about energy in (calories you eat/drink) and energy out (calories you burn.) Being mindful of how much you’re consuming and burning off will help you get on track. It’s very possible to maintain or even lose weight over the festive period. Yes, that’s right! If you’re in a calorie deficit (burning off more than you consume) you CAN lose weight, and still enjoy some of your favourite festive treats. If you know you’ve over done it on the pudding, then balance it out and go for a walk the next day.

  2. Move your body more. Most people don’t know that you actually burn most of your daily calories through activity not classed as ‘exercise.’ General movement basically. Walking (aim for 10,000 steps daily), cleaning, washing up, making your bed etc. If you want to reduce weight gain over the holidays, move more. Take the stairs. Take short walks. Take your facetime calls standing up! If you’re going out with friends, try getting on to the dance floor to burn some calories! Focus on being more active each day.

  3. Prepare more meals at home. Weight gain and weight loss are both determined by eating more/less calories than the body burns. (Calorie intake and burn is different for everybody. There isn’t a one size fits all approach when it comes to exact calories one should eat.) Try balancing social events with a few nights at home, to help reduce the chance of consuming calorie laden meals and drinks out, instead opting for a few home-cooked meals, where you can keep an eye on exactly what you’re putting into your meals. Also, if you know you have  a boozy late night coming up, be prepared and get in some healthier late night snacks, to avoid ordering or picking up greasy calorie ridden takeaways. For example, you can pre-make your own burgers (using 5% fat beef mince vs full fat) and fry or heat them up when you’re home. You can also bake your own wedges (sweet potatoes ones are amazing and a great choice health wise) at home in advance and munch on those at 2 o clock in the morning if you need to.

  4. Swap out high calorie drinks. There are a lot of hidden calories in alcohol. Drinks like mulled wine, red wine, beer, fruit punches and cocktails etc are high in calories. They contain a lot of sugar and the calories in just a few drinks can add up over a week and result in unwanted weight gain. For example, there can be up to 228 calories in just 1 large glass of red wine! So, if you’re having “just a couple of glasses of wine,” (I find people often undercount the amount they are actually consuming, and that a couple is likely 4-5!) be mindful of the number of calories you’re actually drinking. Opt for lower calorie options (a gin and slimline tonic contains just 88 calories for example, or swap out mixers like coca cola and lemonade, for soda water or diet alternatives) where you can, or try reducing your intake (stick to 1-2 glasses of wine, versus making the entire bottle disappear.)

  5. Increase protein and slow-release carbs. Both will help you feel fuller for longer, so you’re less likely to over indulge in those festive treats and temptations! For example, I tell all my clients to get some protein in at breakfast and lunch and dinner to help control appetite levels throughout the day. I know it’s tempting to just tuck into tins of chocolate and biscuits at 10 o clock in the morning, but it’s going to leave you hungry later in the day. You’re more likely to overindulge in high calorie snacks. Instead, try having some eggs for breakfast, or try a protein fruit smoothie, a bowl of porridge or a bagel with smoked salmon.

  6. A little exercise is better than none. You don’t have to get in a long gym session in order to stay fit over the festive period. It’s a time for friends and family and making memories. Or just relaxing and unwinding and taking time out. I totally get it that the gym is probably the last place you’d want to be in for hours on end. Instead, try a 15-20 minute home workout (there’s 1000s of videos on YouTube you can follow if you’re looking for ideas) or go for a stroll outdoors to keep things ticking along.

    In my opinion, walking is underrated and often overlooked when people think about fitness journeys. Going for a brisk 20-minute walk once or twice a day can pick up your mood and energy levels. It’ll also help you burn calories. Also, it’s free and easy to do! Try changing up your walks every now and again, so you don’t get bored. Perhaps try a different coffee shop in your local area, and use it as an excuse to go for a walk. You can take a break from your work or home stress and just walk until you’re tired, or if you get bored easily, stick to a short walk and try listening to music at the same time. Something is better than nothing at all.

  7. Stress less, sleep more. Sounds obvious, but people often underestimate the importance of both. Especially during the holidays! High stress and low sleep cause havoc with the body. Alcohol and late-night eating over the festive period can put the body under stress. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy both over the holidays. Just be mindful of how it’ll make you feel. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re more likely to overeat throughout the day. You might find yourself reaching for sugar-laden snacks lying around, for a quick energy pick-me-up. To avoid this, try your best to get plenty of sleep (6-8 hours recommended) and consider stress relieving activities such as going for a walk in the fresh air, or listening to music or perhaps taking a yoga or exercise class.

If you’re looking to get into shape over the festive period, try getting started on these 7 tips today. Don’t leave it until the new year to get going. Build healthy habits now, and take them into 2022 for a better chance of sticking to your goals.



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