3 tips for a healthier weekend

“I’ll start on Monday!”

We’re all guilty of saying or thinking this as we approach the weekend. Right?!

Well, weekends are usually when we fall off plan and often the reason why you’re not seeing results. They pose a challenge for us. We tend to overindulge and skip exercise or doing any activity at all, after being ‘good’ all week. We don’t follow a set structure like we do during the week. You can actually undo an entire week worth of good choices and healthy habits in just one weekend. Then, when Monday comes, we’re disappointed or feel guilty about the indulgent low activity weekends, and the cycle starts again.

Sound familiar?

It doesn’t need to be this way.

It’s normal to want to loosen things up at the weekend and just enjoy things. Life shouldn’t be all work and no play. It also shouldn’t be about sticking to any rigid or restrictive eating plans either.

I coach my clients on the importance of living a balanced lifestyle, not a restrictive one. You’re far more likely to stick to a health and fitness plan this way. If you make smart choices 70-80% of the time, then you won’t have the same urge to go all out at the weekends, because you haven’t had to restrict yourself during the week.

There’s no point or sense in being ‘good’ all week and then going all out at the weekends and ruining your progress. Then, when Monday comes you feel like you have to start all over again.

Instead of this on-again and off-again approach to your fitness, make small healthy habits a part of your everyday life. You’re more likely to sustain it, and start seeing results.

Keeping this in mind, here’s 3 tips for a healthier weekend:

  1. Squeeze in 1 solid workout or 1 walk. Exercise is a mood changer and will help to support your fitness goals. Even just a 30 minute walk outdoors can help to burn calories, keep you fit and lift your mood and energy. Get outside and do something active!

  2. Try healthy eating for 70 or 80% of the time. And I don’t mean just salads and bowls of vegetables! It means be sensible. If you want a pizza, eat the damn thing. But try and opt for something less calorie dense or more nutritious elsewhere in the day. Going all out unhealthy might set you back so keep it sensible!

  3. Try and be productive. This doesn't mean keeping yourself busy doing stuff and then being exhausted. This means prepping for the week ahead. That might mean preparing some meals on Sunday to set you up for a healthy start to the week. It might mean getting your gym kit ready for a Monday workout. It might mean doing some stretches to help recover your muscles for the week ahead. Pre-book training sessions for the week. Set your alarms for the week so you actually make it to the gym. These actions help to form healthy habits. Habits that will support your overall fitness goals, and lead you to a healthier, happier lifestyle.


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